10 Mistakes You Should Avoid on Your First Date

As much as you are thrilled about the feeling of seeing each other for the first time, you might also feel nervous. It can be an awkward situation and it can turn into a disaster when not planned well. You should be prepared and make sure that you avoid the mistakes that are noted below.

  1. Being late. This is a big no-no. Your goal is to make sure that you will be able to create a positive impression and being late will surely ruin such. If you keep your date waiting, you might end up being alone on what is supposed to be a fun first date.
  2. Talking about marriage. Remember, it is a first date and this is why you should never talk about anything as serious as marriage. This can be very scary, especially for men who are just interested in meeting a woman for casual dates and not for long-term relationships.
  3. Drinking too much. Alcohol can make first dates disastrous. It is very easy to lose control of yourself after having one too many to drink. For girls, drinking a lot should be avoided because this can put you in a dangerous situation.
  4. Dressing provocatively. Even if you want to make a good impression through the way you dress, there is no need for you to look like a whore. Avoid showing too much skin in order to avoid possible sexual insinuations.
  5. Dating in a club. Even if you love partying, a club is never the best place to go out on a first date. It is crowded and noisy, and hence, there will be no opportunity for you to hear each other properly as you talk.
  6. Ditching without warning. If it turns out that you do not like your date, do not be rude by just leaving without a valid excuse. At least make an effort to think of something valid that will give you the reason to exit without being disrespectful.
  7. Not doing your research. Checking the profile of your date from the online dating site where you met will be important. It will refresh your memory about their interests, and hence, giving you an idea of the things you can talk about.
  8. Being emotional. Matters about past relationships and family problems, among other topics that are too personal, should be avoided. You surely would not want to ruin a date with all the drama.
  9. Eating Too Much. This is especially true for ladies. If your date offered to pay for your meal, this is not an excuse to eat like there is no tomorrow.
  10. Talking about Sex. Yes, you can talk about sex, but not too early. You should wait for the time that you are already comfortable in each other’s company. Even if your goal is to get laid, there is a good way to reach that point without directly jumping into it. By taking your time, you will most likely succeed in achieving your goal.

Next Blog: What Can Ruin Your First Date?